在Asterisk中对某个peer的类型分为3种:peer, user和friend看看voip-info对这三种类型的解释peer : A SIP entity to which Asterisk sends calls (a SIP provider for example). If you want a user (extension) to have multiple phones, define an extension that calls two SIP peers. The pe
如何删除link-local( 路由表项route -n 时你总能看到这样一条路由Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface169.254.0.0 U 1000 0 0 eth0由RFC3330 可知 为本地链路地址“ – This is the “link local” block. It is alloca
pkg (FreeBSD)Installation of Webmin on FreeBSD is simple using the pkg system. This should be done as a root user and will also work on FreeNAS inside of a Jail. If installing in a FreeNAS jail, use passwd to set a root password before installation.
https://lists.strongswan.org/pipermail/users/2010-May/000322.html Hi,
I've been trying to find out what is the difference between hold and
clear in strongswan (IKEv2).
https://linux.die.net/man/5/ipsec.conf Nameipsec.conf - IPsec configuration and connectionsDescriptionThe optional ipsec.conf file specifies most configuration and control information for the Openswan IPsec subsystem. (The major exception i
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