

梅林固件安装SS【shadowsocks】插件教程现在很多玩家想路由器使用shadowsocks(翻墙),但是具体哪一款路由器可以使用呢?首先是路由器可以刷梅林,哪款路由可以刷梅林,详见下面附件:由于不可抗拒的因素现在已经无法再软件中心安装SS了, 那么接下来我们就解决...

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Upgrade Cisco 3560X IOS Take 30+ Minutes

hqy hqy 发表于2022-06-30 浏览818 评论0


When working on IOS update for one standalone Cisco 3560x to meet our environment requirement, I was so surprising the total time for Cisco 3560x taking new IOS image, which was more than 30+ minutes. I was thinking to reset it during the process because it is way longer than other Cisco routers, switches and firewalls I updated before. Usually total IOS update takes less than 5 minutes from the beginning process of uploading ios to new ios fully loaded.