Centos上用rpm安装webmin的时候出现了一些问题,现在总结一下:1、用rpm安装webmin的时候出错:提示说需要安装perl,经过查询才知道需要用 yum 安装 perl-Net-SSLeay,如下:2、webmin安装成功后再主机浏览器上输入 http://ip:10000,显示如下信息:This web server is running in SSL mode. Try the URL https://bogon:10000/ instead.于是我用 http://bogon
Rsyslog使用时间 2015-02-17标签 rsyslog原文 http://john88wang.blog.51cto.com/2165294/16147971.Rsyslog介绍Rsyslog is Rocket-fast System for Log processing.Rsyslog是CentOS6系列默认的日志处理软件。Rsyslog基于模块化设计,提供高性能,安全的日志处理系统。Rsyslog是多线程的,支持T
Logs are a critical component of any software or operating system. Logs usually record user’s actions, system events, network activity and so much more, depending on what they are intended for. One of the most widely used logging systems on Linu
This is a log-consolidation scenario. There exist at least two systems, a server and at least one client. The server is meant to gather log data from all the clients. Clients may (or may not) process and store messages locally. If they do, doesn’t ma