

hqy hqy 发表于2024-12-24 17:31:14 浏览56 评论0




# winscp.exe /console /script=sample.txt 

# Automatically answer all prompts negatively not to stall
# the script on errors
# option echo  on|off
option echo off

# option batch on|off|abort|continue
option batch on

# option confirm  on|off
option confirm off

# option transfer  binary|ascii|automatic
# option synchdelete  on|off
# option exclude clear | <mask>[;<mask2>...]
# option include clear | <mask>[;<mask2>...]

# open [ sftp|ftp|scp:// ][ <user> [ :password ] @ ] <host> [ :<port> ]
# open user:password@example.com
# Connect   FTP地址
open ftp://用户名:密码@outftp.test.com:21

# Change remote directory
# cd /home/user   如果同步到远程FTP时,可用此命令转到远程某个目录下.

# Change local directory
# set to Self's working dir  设置需要同步到远程FTP的本地文件目录
lcd D:\Temp\Test_Ftp

# Force binary mode transfer
option transfer binary

# Download file to the local directory d:\
# get examplefile.txt d:\

# option synchdelete  on|off
option synchdelete off

# option include clear | <mask>[;<mask2>...]
# option include /2008-*-*/;/2009-*-*/;/2010-*-*/;/2011-*-*/;/2012-*-*/;/2013-*-*/

# synchronize local|remote|both [ <local directory> [ <remote directory> ] ]  从远程同步到本地用Local;从本地同步到远程用Remote
synchronize local  

# Disconnect

# Exit WinSCP

将上述脚本存成sample.txt文件,然后通过winscp.exe /console /script=sample.txt  命令执行文件同步操作.

1. 问题: 客户提供的FTP账号,是ASCII码读到,导致用Winscp软件连接不上?

保存后的FTP连接名为: 用户名@域名
然后打开Sample.txt脚本文件,找到Open ftp处,改为Open ftp://用户名@域名,保存文件.这样就可解决模式问题.



一, 我先讲一下如何利用VBS动态生成脚本文件
遇到问题: 如果脚本中指定的远程目录不存在,程序会自动将根目录下的所有文件都同步过来.

配置文件syscfg.xml<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


# winscp.exe /console /script=sample.txt

# Automatically answer all prompts negatively not to stall
# the script on errors
# option echo  on|off
option echo off

# option batch on|off|abort|continue
option batch on

# option confirm  on|off
option confirm off

# option transfer  binary|ascii|automatic
# option synchdelete  on|off
# option exclude clear | <mask>[;<mask2>...]
# option include clear | <mask>[;<mask2>...]

# open [ sftp|ftp|scp:// ][ <user> [ :password ] @ ] <host> [ :<port> ]
# open user:password@example.com
# Connect
open [%%FTPConnection%%]

# Change remote directory
# cd /home/user
cd [%%RemoteDirectory%%]

# Change local directory
# set to Degussa's working dir
lcd [%%LocalDirectory%%]

# Force binary mode transfer
option transfer binary

# Download file to the local directory d:\
# get examplefile.txt d:\

# option synchdelete  on|off
option synchdelete off

# option include clear | <mask>[;<mask2>...]
# option include /2008-*-*/;/2009-*-*/;/2010-*-*/;/2011-*-*/;/2012-*-*/;/2013-*-*/

# synchronize local|remote|both [ <local directory> [ <remote directory> ] ]
synchronize [%%Way%%]

# Disconnect

# Exit WinSCP



Option Explicit

Dim PubDate '处理某一天数据
Dim CompanyList '多个公司配置列表
Dim shell, strRootPath, strCommand
Dim strCfgFilePath, DataFolder, LogFolder

Set shell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Dim objFSO
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

strRootPath = Left(Wscript.scriptFullName, InstrRev(Wscript.scriptFullName, "\"))
DataFolder = strRootPath & "Data"
If Not objFSO.FolderExists(DataFolder) Then
End If
LogFolder = strRootPath & "Log"
If Not objFSO.FolderExists(LogFolder) Then
End If

strCfgFilePath = strRootPath & "syscfg.xml"
If Not ReadCfg(strCfgFilePath) Then
 mLog "配置文件出错,请检查!"
End If

Dim intX
Dim strFile

For intX = 0 To UBound(CompanyList)-1
 If Len(CompanyList(intX,1)) > 0 Then
  strFile = UpdateWinscpScript(CompanyList(intX,0), CompanyList(intX,1), CompanyList(intX,2), CompanyList(intX,3), CompanyList(intX,4))
  If Len(strFile) <> 0 Then 
   mLog "Shell.run(winscp /console /script=" & strFile & ")"
   Shell.run("winscp /console /script=" & strFile)
  End If
  Exit For
 End If

Function UpdateWinscpScript(name, ftp, localDir, remoteDir, syschronizeWay)
 Dim strFilePath, strTemplatePath
 strFilePath = DataFolder & "/" & name & ".txt"
 strTemplatePath = strRootPath & "template.txt"

 If Not objFSO.FileExists(strTemplatePath) Then
  mLog "脚本模板文件不存在!(" & strTemplatePath & ")"
  UpdateWinscpScript = ""
  Exit Function
 End If

 If objFSO.FileExists(strFilePath) Then
 End If

 Dim strAllText
 Dim file
 On Error Resume Next
 Set file = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strTemplatePath)
 If Not file.AtEndOfStream Then
  strAllText = file.ReadAll
 End If
 If Err.Number <> 0 Then
  mLog "[UpdateWinscpScript][ERROR]" & Err.Description
 End If

 If Len(strAllText) = 0 Then
  mLog "[UpdateWinscpScript][ERROR]模板文件无内容,请检查!"
  UpdateWinscpScript = ""
  Exit Function
 End If

 Set file = objFSO.CreateTextFile(strFilePath)
 strAllText = Replace(strAllText, "[%%FTPConnection%%]", ftp)
 strAllText = Replace(strAllText, "[%%RemoteDirectory%%]", remoteDir)
 strAllText = Replace(strAllText, "[%%LocalDirectory%%]", localDir)
 strAllText = Replace(strAllText, "[%%Way%%]", syschronizeWay)
 file.write strAllText
 If Err.Number <> 0 Then
  mLog "[UpdateWinscpScript][ERROR]" & Err.Description
  UpdateWinscpScript = ""
  Exit Function
 End If
 UpdateWinscpScript = strFilePath
End Function

Function ReadCfg(cfgFilePath)
 on Error resume next
 Dim fso
 set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 
 If Not fso.FileExists(cfgFilePath) Then
  ReadCfg = false
  Exit Function
 End If

 Dim XmlDoc
 Dim rootNode
 Set XmlDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
 If XmlDoc.load(cfgFilePath) Then
  Set rootNode = XmlDoc.documentElement
  PubDate = Trim(rootNode.selectSingleNode("PubDate").text)
  If Len(PubDate) = 0 Then
   PubDate = date
   PubDate = CDate(PubDate)
  End If
  If Err.Number <> 0 Then
   mLog "[ReadCfg][ERROR]" & Err.Description
  End If
  Dim i, j
  i = 0
  Dim strRemotePath, strLocalPath, company
  Dim CompanyCount
  CompanyCount = rootNode.selectNodes("Companys/Company").length
  Redim CompanyList(CompanyCount, 7)
  for each company in rootNode.selectNodes("Companys/Company")   
   strRemotePath = ""
   mLog "***************************************************"
   CompanyList(i,0) = company.selectSingleNode("Name").text
   mLog "Name: " & CompanyList(i,0)
   CompanyList(i,1) = company.selectSingleNode("FTPConnection").text
   mLog "FTP: " & CompanyList(i,1)
   CompanyList(i,4) = company.selectSingleNode("SynchronizeWay").text
   mLog "SynchronizeWay: " & CompanyList(i,4)
   CompanyList(i,5) = company.selectSingleNode("NeedDate").text
   mLog "NeedDate: " & CompanyList(i,5)
   CompanyList(i,6) = company.selectSingleNode("DateStyle").text
   mLog "DateStyle: " & CompanyList(i,6)
   strLocalPath = Trim(company.selectSingleNode("LocalDirectory").text)
   If Len(strLocalPath) > 0 Then    
    If Right(strLocalPath,1)="\" Then
     strLocalPath = Left(strLocalPath,instrRev(strLocalPath,"\")-1)
    End If
    If CompanyList(i,5) Then
     strLocalPath = GetPathWithDate(strLocalPath, PubDate, CompanyList(i,6), "\")
    End If
    If Not fso.FolderExists(strLocalPath) Then
     CreateDirectory strLocalPath, "\"
    End If
    CompanyList(i,2) = strLocalPath
   End If
   mLog "Local Directory: " & CompanyList(i,2)
   If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    mLog "[ReadCfg][ERROR]" & Err.Description
   End If
   strRemotePath = Trim(company.selectSingleNode("RemoteDirectory").text)
   If Right(strRemotePath,1)="/" Then
    CompanyList(i,3) = Left(strRemotePath,instrRev(strRemotePath,"/")-1)
    CompanyList(i,3) = strRemotePath
   End If
   If CompanyList(i,5) Then
    CompanyList(i,3) = GetPathWithDate(CompanyList(i,3), PubDate, CompanyList(i,6), "/")
   End If
   mLog "Remote Directory: " & CompanyList(i,3)

   i = i + 1
  ReadCfg = True
  ReadCfg = False
 End If
End Function

Function GetPathWithDate(strDir, strDate, strStyle, seperator)
 On Error Resume Next
 If len(year(strDate)) = 0 Then
  strDate = Date
 End If
 select case Lcase(strStyle)
 case "yyyy-mm-dd"
  GetPathWithDate = strDir & seperator & year(strDate) & "-" & Right("0"&Month(strDate),2) & "-" & Right("0"&Day(strDate),2)
 case "yyyy_mm_dd"
  GetPathWithDate = strDir & seperator & year(strDate) & "_" & Right("0"&Month(strDate),2) & "_" & Right("0"&Day(strDate),2)
 case "yyyymmdd"
  GetPathWithDate = strDir & seperator & year(strDate) & Right("0"&Month(strDate),2) & Right("0"&Day(strDate),2)
 case "yyyy-m-d"
  GetPathWithDate = strDir & seperator & year(strDate) & "-" & Month(strDate) & "-" & Day(strDate)
 Case "yyyy_m_d"
  GetPathWithDate = strDir & seperator & year(strDate) & "_" & Month(strDate) & "_" & Day(strDate)
 Case "yyyymd"
  GetPathWithDate = strDir & seperator & year(strDate) & Month(strDate) & Day(strDate)
 End Select
End Function

Sub CreateDirectory(dir, seperator)
 On Error Resume Next
 Dim fso
 Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
 Dim path
 path = ""
 Dim i
 Dim arrDir
 arrDir = split(dir, seperator)
 for i = 0 to UBound(arrDir)
  path = path & arrDir(i) & seperator
  If Not fso.FolderExists(path) Then
  End If
  If Err.Number <> 0 Then
   mLog "[CreateDirectory][ERROR]" & Err.Description
  End If
End Sub

' 记录日志
Private Function mLog(info)
   Dim logFile, dt, yyyy, mm, dd
   dt = Now
   yyyy = Year(dt)
   mm = Month(dt)
   dd = Day(dt)
   If Len(mm)=1 Then
      mm = "0" & mm
   End If
   If Len(dd)=1 Then
      dd = "0" & dd
   End If
   dt = yyyy & "-" & mm & "-" & dd & " " & Time()
  On Error Resume Next
  Set logfile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(LogFolder & "\" & yyyy & mm & dd & ".log", 8, True)
   Loop Until not(Err.Number<>0)
   logFile.WriteLine dt & "->" & info
   WScript.Echo dt & "->" & info  
End Function


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