Navicat 通过http隧道连接数据库
<?php //version my202 //set allowTestMenu to false to disable System/Server test page $allowTestMenu = true; $use_mysqli = function_exists("mysqli_connect"); header("Content-Type: text/plain; charset=x-user-defined"); error_reporting(0); set_time_limit(0); function phpversion_int() { list($maVer, $miVer, $edVer) = preg_split("(/|\.|-)", phpversion()); return $maVer*10000 + $miVer*100 + $edVer; } if (phpversion_int() < 50300) { set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); } function GetLongBinary($num) { return pack("N",$num); } function GetShortBinary($num) { return pack("n",$num); } function GetDummy($count) { $str = ""; for($i=0;$i<$count;$i++) $str .= "\x00"; return $str; } function GetBlock($val) { $len = strlen($val); if( $len < 254 ) return chr($len).$val; else return "\xFE".GetLongBinary($len).$val; } function EchoHeader($errno) { $str = GetLongBinary(1111); $str .= GetShortBinary(202); $str .= GetLongBinary($errno); $str .= GetDummy(6); echo $str; } function EchoConnInfo($conn) { if ($GLOBALS['use_mysqli']) { $str = GetBlock(mysqli_get_host_info($conn)); $str .= GetBlock(mysqli_get_proto_info($conn)); $str .= GetBlock(mysqli_get_server_info($conn)); echo $str; } else { $str = GetBlock(mysql_get_host_info($conn)); $str .= GetBlock(mysql_get_proto_info($conn)); $str .= GetBlock(mysql_get_server_info($conn)); echo $str; } } function EchoResultSetHeader($errno, $affectrows, $insertid, $numfields, $numrows) { $str = GetLongBinary($errno); $str .= GetLongBinary($affectrows); $str .= GetLongBinary($insertid); $str .= GetLongBinary($numfields); $str .= GetLongBinary($numrows); $str .= GetDummy(12); echo $str; } function EchoFieldsHeader($res, $numfields) { $str = ""; for( $i = 0; $i < $numfields; $i++ ) { if ($GLOBALS['use_mysqli']) { $finfo = mysqli_fetch_field_direct($res, $i); $str .= GetBlock($finfo->name); $str .= GetBlock($finfo->table); $type = $finfo->type; $length = $finfo->length; $str .= GetLongBinary($type); $intflag = $finfo->flags; $str .= GetLongBinary($intflag); $str .= GetLongBinary($length); } else { $str .= GetBlock(mysql_field_name($res, $i)); $str .= GetBlock(mysql_field_table($res, $i)); $type = mysql_field_type($res, $i); $length = mysql_field_len($res, $i); switch ($type) { case "int": if( $length > 11 ) $type = 8; else $type = 3; break; case "real": if( $length == 12 ) $type = 4; elseif( $length == 22 ) $type = 5; else $type = 0; break; case "null": $type = 6; break; case "timestamp": $type = 7; break; case "date": $type = 10; break; case "time": $type = 11; break; case "datetime": $type = 12; break; case "year": $type = 13; break; case "blob": if( $length > 16777215 ) $type = 251; elseif( $length > 65535 ) $type = 250; elseif( $length > 255 ) $type = 252; else $type = 249; break; default: $type = 253; } $str .= GetLongBinary($type); $flags = explode( " ", mysql_field_flags ( $res, $i ) ); $intflag = 0; if(in_array( "not_null", $flags )) $intflag += 1; if(in_array( "primary_key", $flags )) $intflag += 2; if(in_array( "unique_key", $flags )) $intflag += 4; if(in_array( "multiple_key", $flags )) $intflag += 8; if(in_array( "blob", $flags )) $intflag += 16; if(in_array( "unsigned", $flags )) $intflag += 32; if(in_array( "zerofill", $flags )) $intflag += 64; if(in_array( "binary", $flags)) $intflag += 128; if(in_array( "enum", $flags )) $intflag += 256; if(in_array( "auto_increment", $flags )) $intflag += 512; if(in_array( "timestamp", $flags )) $intflag += 1024; if(in_array( "set", $flags )) $intflag += 2048; $str .= GetLongBinary($intflag); $str .= GetLongBinary($length); } } echo $str; } function EchoData($res, $numfields, $numrows) { for( $i = 0; $i < $numrows; $i++ ) { $str = ""; $row = null; if ($GLOBALS['use_mysqli']) $row = mysqli_fetch_row( $res ); else $row = mysql_fetch_row( $res ); for( $j = 0; $j < $numfields; $j++ ){ if( is_null($row[$j]) ) $str .= "\xFF"; else $str .= GetBlock($row[$j]); } echo $str; } } function doSystemTest() { function output($description, $succ, $resStr) { echo "<tr><td class=\"TestDesc\">$description</td><td "; echo ($succ)? "class=\"TestSucc\">$resStr[0]</td></tr>" : "class=\"TestFail\">$resStr[1]</td></tr>"; } output("PHP version >= 4.0.5", phpversion_int() >= 40005, array("Yes", "No")); output("mysql_connect() available", function_exists("mysql_connect"), array("Yes", "No")); output("mysqli_connect() available", function_exists("mysqli_connect"), array("Yes", "No")); if (phpversion_int() >= 40302 && substr($_SERVER["SERVER_SOFTWARE"], 0, 6) == "Apache" && function_exists("apache_get_modules")){ if (in_array("mod_security2", apache_get_modules())) output("Mod Security 2 installed", false, array("No", "Yes")); } } / if (phpversion_int() < 40005) { EchoHeader(201); echo GetBlock("unsupported php version"); exit(); } if (phpversion_int() < 40010) { global $HTTP_POST_VARS; $_POST = &$HTTP_POST_VARS; } if (!isset($_POST["actn"]) || !isset($_POST["host"]) || !isset($_POST["port"]) || !isset($_POST["login"])) { $testMenu = $allowTestMenu; if (!$testMenu){ EchoHeader(202); echo GetBlock("invalid parameters"); exit(); } } if (!$testMenu){ if ($_POST["encodeBase64"] == '1') { for($i=0;$i<count($_POST["q"]);$i++) $_POST["q"][$i] = base64_decode($_POST["q"][$i]); } if (!function_exists("mysql_connect") && !function_exists("mysqli_connect")) { EchoHeader(203); echo GetBlock("MySQL not supported on the server"); exit(); } $errno_c = 0; $hs = $_POST["host"]; if ($use_mysqli) { if( $_POST["port"] ) $conn = mysqli_connect($hs, $_POST["login"], $_POST["password"], '', $_POST["port"]); else $conn = mysqli_connect($hs, $_POST["login"], $_POST["password"]); $errno_c = mysqli_connect_errno($conn); if (phpversion_int() >= 50005){ // for unicode database name mysqli_set_charset($conn, 'UTF8'); } if($errno_c > 0) { EchoHeader($errno_c); echo GetBlock(mysqli_connect_error($conn)); exit; } if(($errno_c <= 0) && ( $_POST["db"] != "" )) { $res = mysqli_select_db($conn, $_POST["db"] ); $errno_c = mysqli_errno($conn); } EchoHeader($errno_c); if($errno_c > 0) { echo GetBlock(mysqli_error($conn)); } elseif($_POST["actn"] == "C") { EchoConnInfo($conn); } elseif($_POST["actn"] == "Q") { for($i=0;$i<count($_POST["q"]);$i++) { $query = $_POST["q"][$i]; if($query == "") continue; if (phpversion_int() < 50400){ if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) $query = stripslashes($query); } $res = mysqli_query($conn, $query); $errno = mysqli_errno($conn); $affectedrows = mysqli_affected_rows($conn); $insertid = mysqli_insert_id($conn); if (false !== $res) { $numfields = mysqli_field_count($conn); $numrows = mysqli_num_rows($res); } else { $numfields = 0; $numrows = 0; } EchoResultSetHeader($errno, $affectedrows, $insertid, $numfields, $numrows); if($errno > 0) echo GetBlock(mysqli_error($conn)); else { if($numfields > 0) { EchoFieldsHeader($res, $numfields); EchoData($res, $numfields, $numrows); } else { if(phpversion_int() >= 40300) echo GetBlock(mysqli_info($conn)); else echo GetBlock(""); } } if($i<(count($_POST["q"])-1)) echo "\x01"; else echo "\x00"; if (false !== $res) mysqli_free_result($res); } } } else { if( $_POST["port"] ) $hs .= ":".$_POST["port"]; $conn = mysql_connect($hs, $_POST["login"], $_POST["password"]); $errno_c = mysql_errno(); if (phpversion_int() >= 50203){ // for unicode database name mysql_set_charset('UTF8', $conn); } if(($errno_c <= 0) && ( $_POST["db"] != "" )) { $res = mysql_select_db( $_POST["db"], $conn); $errno_c = mysql_errno(); } EchoHeader($errno_c); if($errno_c > 0) { echo GetBlock(mysql_error()); } elseif($_POST["actn"] == "C") { EchoConnInfo($conn); } elseif($_POST["actn"] == "Q") { for($i=0;$i<count($_POST["q"]);$i++) { $query = $_POST["q"][$i]; if($query == "") continue; if (phpversion_int() < 50400){ if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) $query = stripslashes($query); } $res = mysql_query($query, $conn); $errno = mysql_errno(); $affectedrows = mysql_affected_rows($conn); $insertid = mysql_insert_id($conn); $numfields = mysql_num_fields($res); $numrows = mysql_num_rows($res); EchoResultSetHeader($errno, $affectedrows, $insertid, $numfields, $numrows); if($errno > 0) echo GetBlock(mysql_error()); else { if($numfields > 0) { EchoFieldsHeader($res, $numfields); EchoData($res, $numfields, $numrows); } else { if(phpversion_int() >= 40300) echo GetBlock(mysql_info($conn)); else echo GetBlock(""); } } if($i<(count($_POST["q"])-1)) echo "\x01"; else echo "\x00"; mysql_free_result($res); } } } exit(); } header("Content-Type: text/html"); / ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> <html> <head> <title>Navicat HTTP Tunnel Tester</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"> <style type="text/css"> body{ margin: 30px; font-family: Tahoma; font-weight: normal; font-size: 14px; color: #222222; } table{ width: 100%; border: 0px; } input{ font-family:Tahoma,sans-serif; border-style:solid; border-color:#666666; border-width:1px; } fieldset{ border-style:solid; border-color:#666666; border-width:1px; } .Title1{ font-size: 30px; color: #003366; } .Title2{ font-size: 10px; color: #999966; } .TestDesc{ width:70% } .TestSucc{ color: #00BB00; } .TestFail{ color: #DD0000; } .mysql{ } .pgsql{ display:none; } .sqlite{ display:none; } #page{ max-width: 42em; min-width: 36em; border-width: 0px; margin: auto auto; } #host, #dbfile{ width: 300px; } #port{ width: 75px; } #login, #password, #db{ width: 150px; } #Copyright{ text-align: right; font-size: 10px; color: #888888; } </style> <script type="text/javascript"> function getInternetExplorerVersion(){ var ver = -1; if (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer"){ var regex = new RegExp("MSIE ([0-9]{1,}[\.0-9]{0,})"); if (regex.exec(navigator.userAgent)) ver = parseFloat(RegExp.$1); } return ver; } function setText(element, text, succ){ element.className = (succ)?"TestSucc":"TestFail"; element.innerHTML = text; } function getByteAt(str, offset){ return str.charCodeAt(offset) & 0xff; } function getIntAt(binStr, offset){ return (getByteAt(binStr, offset) << 24)+ (getByteAt(binStr, offset+1) << 16)+ (getByteAt(binStr, offset+2) << 8)+ (getByteAt(binStr, offset+3) >>> 0); } function getBlockStr(binStr, offset){ if (getByteAt(binStr, offset) < 254) return binStr.substring(offset+1, offset+1+binStr.charCodeAt(offset)); 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All Rights Reserved.</p> </div> </body> </html>
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