
Adsense 月入过万,你必须要懂的赚钱逻辑及赚钱心态

hqy hqy 发表于2024-09-25 20:01:14 浏览44 评论0


    • 流量转化点击,点击带来收益

    • 思考创造内容,内容吸引流量

    • Adsense 赚取收入的必备心态

    • English Reading:

    • Traffic conversion clicks, clicks to generate revenue

    • Thinking about creating content, content attracting traffic

    • Adsense's essential mentality to earn income

网上关于 Adsense 月入过万的文章国外太多了,国内博主也有,但是大家都比较保守,闷声赚大钱,这段时间我重新思考了一下关于网站的方向问题,当然这篇文章并不是教你做什么内容,主要目的是为了给你一点对内容方向上的启发。

我认为做 Adsense 赚取收入的必备逻辑应该是这样的:

mportant;">思考创造内容 -> 内容吸引流量 -> 流量转化点击 -> 点击带来收益

我们根据上面的逻辑采用逆向思维来了解一下 AdSense 赚取收入的“玄机”,看看如何用自建的小站赚取广告收入: 


Google Adsense 有两种计算收益的方法:广告曝光量(不需要被点击) 和广告点击,我可以肯定地说,大家的博客那么丁点儿流量(小于一万日流量)是赚不到曝光广告收入的。千万不要想我把广告放上去,有人看就有收入了,这是错的。我的个人经验是,如果一天都没人点击,单单曝光收入只有0.0X美元的收入,也就是说一个月才0.X美元,这时够可怜死了。


另外大家千万不要忘了使用 Google Adsense 推荐的广告格式!亲自测试后发现,用了 Adsense 流行的广告样式转换率大大提高。




Adsense 赚取收入的必备心态

Adsense 赚钱是一个积累的过程,网站的人气和内容的积累需要时间,Adsense 的收入增加更需要时间。

可以说开站的头半年是最难熬的,绝大部分90%抱着赚钱心态去搞网站/写BLOG的人都会在头半年放弃。为什么?这和 Adsense 的广告费付款模式有关:Adsense 的付款门槛是100美金,头半年可能每个月的收入都只有零点几美金或者几美元,那到100美金不就需要200个月?心理的沮丧令很多人都放弃了。


English Reading:

There are too many foreign articles about Adsense's monthly income. There are also domestic bloggers, but everyone is conservative and makes a lot of money. During this time, I rethought about the direction of the website. Of course, this article is not The main purpose of teaching you what to do is to give you some inspiration for the direction of the content.

I think the necessary logic to make Adsense earn income should be like this:

Think about creating content -> Content to drive traffic -> Traffic conversion clicks -> Click to generate revenue

Based on the above logic, we use reverse thinking to understand the “history” of AdSense earning revenue and see how to earn advertising revenue from self-built small stations:

Traffic conversion clicks, clicks to generate revenue

Google Adsense has two ways to calculate revenue: ad exposure (no need to be clicked) and ad clicks, I can say with certainty that your blog's little traffic (less than 10,000 days of traffic) is not earning exposure revenue. of. Don't think that I put the advertisement on. Some people have income, which is wrong. My personal experience is that if no one clicks in a day, the income of the exposure alone is only 0.0X US dollars, which means that it is only 0.X dollars a month, then it is pitiful to die.

So it’s important to convert traffic to click conversion rate!

Also, don't forget to use the ad format recommended by Google Adsense! After personal testing, I found that the conversion rate of Adsense popular advertising style was greatly improved.

To have a high conversion rate, you must first be a helpful person. Why do netizens click on your advertisement, except because the advertisement is suitable, and because he has a good impression on your content, your article helped him, so for netizens Providing useful information will make your station go higher and further.

Thinking about creating content, content attracting traffic

Some websites say that content is special, because there is a lot of popular content. I don't think it is true that content that is only of interest to a small number of people has a higher hit rate, but the flow of people is always limited. On the contrary, there are a lot of people interested in the content of the pie, which is already good, so the best website content. Structure is a topic of popularization and professional topics. This popular topic can be some investment information about success and finance or your daily technical journal, and the professional topic is some original articles in the direction you are engaged in or interested in.

Adsense's essential mentality to earn income

Adsense is a process of accumulation. The popularity of the website and the accumulation of content take time, and the increase in income of Adsense takes more time.

It can be said that the first half of the opening is the most difficult. Most of the 90% of people who are engaged in making money on the website/writing BLOG will give up in the first half of the year. why? This is related to Adsense's advertising fee payment model: Adsense's payment threshold is $100. In the first half of the year, the monthly income may be only a few tenths of dollars or a few dollars. Does it take 200 months to reach $100? Psychological frustration has caused many people to give up.

But believe me, as long as you maintain a helpful heart, follow the successful experience on the Internet, follow some methods, you will be able to get 100 dollars from adsense soon!


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