
5种有效的方式来最大化你网站的 AdSense 广告利润

hqy hqy 发表于2024-09-25 19:58:59 浏览37 评论0


    • 测试你网站最合适的广告位置

    • 让广告单元成为你网站的一部分

    • 始终写出相关和有价值的内容

    • 使用最有利可图的广告格式

    • 网站加入 ads.txt 说明

    • English Reading

    • Test the most appropriate ad slot for your site

    • Make the ad unit a part of your site

    • Always write relevant and valuable content

    • Use the most profitable ad formats

    • Website added ads.txt Description


如果说互联网网络的真实作用,我想应该就是它改变了传统行业中的参与者,它将我们每个人都变成了互联网营销人员。而营销让大多数的网站所有者通过广告在他们的博客网站上销售不同的产品和服务,从中赚取佣金而不需要付出太多努力,Google AdSense 为我们广大站长带来了巨大好处:让每个站长都成为营销人员可以通过广告赚取营销利润。

但并非所有网站所有者都能通过 AdSense 获得丰厚的收入,我也是这其中的一员,事实上,和许多网站管理员一样在不停尝试寻找如何最大限度地提高其 AdSense 利润的方法。

以下是我如何最大化我的网站上 AdSense 广告利润的5种方法,大家可以尝试一下:






关于广告的一个常见误解是,它们只是为你的网站带来利润的附加组件,这就是许多博主和网站所有者在 AdSense 中失败的地方。事实上,你必须做的是通过将广告与内容融为一体,使你的广告看上去是你网站的一部分。



我在上篇:Adsense 月入过万,你必须要懂的赚钱逻辑及赚钱心态,提到过关于内容的部分,观点是最好的网站内容结构就是有普及的话题和专业的话题。在线业务的黄金法则也适用于最大化你的 AdSense 利润:撰写相关内容,网站的内容主题应该始终是一致的而不应该是分散的。确保你使用的关键字与 Google 为您提供的广告相关,才能更快,更轻松地实现目标流量转化,专注于一个主题,这样你就不会得到无针对性的流量。




网站加入 ads.txt 说明

这个我已经在文章:Google Adsense 广告收益止损新办法 ads.txt 帮你搞定中做了说明,当我们网站需要展示特定网站的广告时,Google 会检查该网站的根网域是否包含 ads.txt 文件。如果没有 ads.txt 文件,则不会额外强制执行,会导致您的填充和收入下降。如果有 ads.txt 文件并且您的发布商ID正确,Google 将展开竞价并返回在竞价中胜出的广告。如果有 ads.txt 文件但是您的ID不正确,那就比较可惜,Google 将不会针对该请求展开竞价。

以上便是今天给大家分享的关于提高你的 Adsense 收入的方法,如果你有更多关于改善 AdSense 收入的建议,请在下面的评论部分分享。如果你还没有 Adsense 申请账号你也许会对这篇文章感兴趣:新博客快速申请 Google AdSense 账号获批通过的技巧,已经有很多人通过我文章中的技巧获得了他们的 Adsense 账号。

English Reading

If the real role of the Internet network, I think it should be that it has changed the participants in the traditional industry, it has turned us into Internet marketers. And marketing allows most website owners to sell different products and services on their blog sites, and earn commissions without much effort. Google AdSense brings great benefits to our webmasters: Each webmaster becomes a marketer who can earn marketing profits through advertising.
But not all site owners can earn a lot of money from AdSense, and I'm one of them. In fact, like many webmasters, they are constantly trying to find ways to maximize their AdSense profits.


Here are 5 ways I can maximize the profitability of AdSense ads on my site. You can try it out:

Test the most appropriate ad slot for your site

Putting the ads on the website, we have completed the easiest step, because they are the tickets for the success of our online business, this is just a ticket, can you bring the most benefit to you, but also look at the following content, early I and Like most webmasters, just throwing Adsense's ad code on the site, and then start thinking about earning dollars, but Adsense's lucrative revenue comes from placing these ads correctly, so I started to add tests to find the site. The best place to advertise.

If you're still thinking about where to place your ads, the most effective part is at the top center and top right corner of your site. Usually the position in the CMS theme can be placed after the first paragraph of the article content and at the end of the article, the article list is turned over, and the second column of the article list. Also note that ad placement is an important factor influencing ad viewability.

Make the ad unit a part of your site

A common misconception about advertising is that they are just add-ons that make a profit on your site, which is where many bloggers and site owners fail in AdSense. In fact, what you have to do is to make your ad appear to be part of your site by integrating the ad with the content.

Create adaptive ads and set the color of your ads to match the color of your website theme. Your goal is to make your ads look like ads, more like a whole background and part of the content. Text link ads are a good choice, although their price is low, but the click-through rate will be higher, because they will make people think that part of your website content.

Always write relevant and valuable content

I am in the last post: Adsense has entered 10,000 in a month,You must understand the logic of making money and earning money. I mentioned the part about the content. The point is that the best website content structure is the topic of popularization and professional topics. The golden rule of online business also applies to maximizing your AdSense profits: writing relevant content, the content theme of the website should always be consistent and should not be decentralized. Make sure that the keywords you use are relevant to the ads that Google provides for you, so that you can achieve targeted traffic conversions faster and easier, focusing on one topic so you don’t get untargeted traffic.

Proper content packaging is necessary, including the distribution of article keywords, which to some extent match your ads to your content, so when visitors are reading your content, they are also tempted Click and view the ad content you placed.

Use the most profitable ad formats

In this strategy, it's best to place a large rectangular ad in the center of the page of the site instead of placing small ads on both sides. This is because large rectangular ads attract the attention of the reader and seem to be part of the content of the site, and they do not distort the layout of your site. You can change the theme, background or application new layout, but the look of the ads remains the same as they are at the heart of your content.

Website added ads.txt Description

I have already explained in this article: Google Adsense advertising revenue stop loss new method ads.txt to help you figure out, when our website needs to display ads for a specific website, Google will check whether the website's root domain contains ads.txt file. If you don't have an ads.txt file, there's no additional enforcement, which can cause your fill and revenue to drop. If you have an ads.txt file and your publisher ID is correct, Google will start the auction and return to the ad that won the auction. If you have an ads.txt file and your ID is incorrect, it's a pity that Google won't bid on the request.

That’s how you can share your Adsense revenue today. If you have more suggestions for improving your AdSense earnings, please share them in the comments section below. If you don't have an Adsense account yet, you might be interested in this article: New blogs quickly apply for Google AdSense accounts to be approved. Many people have already obtained their Adsense accounts through the tips in my article.


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