pkg (FreeBSD)Installation of Webmin on FreeBSD is simple using the pkg system. This should be done as a root user and will also work on FreeNAS inside of a Jail. If installing in a FreeNAS jail, use passwd to set a root password before installation. Hi,
I've been trying to find out what is the difference between hold and
clear in strongswan (IKEv2). Nameipsec.conf - IPsec configuration and connectionsDescriptionThe optional ipsec.conf file specifies most configuration and control information for the Openswan IPsec subsystem. (The major exception i
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都说职场如战场,我们在职场中要打起一百二十分的精神, 不然就会被别有用心的人套路,今天就来给你说几个职场中常遇到的英文套路,快来看看你知道几个吧!1 I need it yesterday ≠ 我昨天要正确的意思:立即,马上就要怎么理解I need it yesterday?这是职场中经常会听到的一句话,不是口误,而是加强语气,意思是,马上就要,这句话经常出自老板或客户之口,表示非常急迫的心情:例句:Don't ask me when I need this schedule!