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PJSIP在Asterisk12中被集成进来,作为asterisk第二个SIP协议栈。以下是安装步骤,记录下来已备忘。首先安装版本控制工具git,在这里只是下载pjsip的代码;下载git-到/home目录内:# cd /home# tar zxvf git- cd git-下面编译安装:# make prefix=/usr/local install二进制文件会被安装到/usr/local/bin目录里;系统上已经安装过git的,此步可
As you know, asterisk has integrated pjsip for sip signalling since asterisk-11. pjsip has advantages of faster and flexiblility than chan_sip.If you are used to use chan_sip, you' d better to migrate your projects from chan_sip to res_pjsip. But
"Does your service work with PJSIP?" I get this question once a week, at most. However, I am always astounded by the lack of knowledge brought to the table when I ask the logical question, "What is the use case for PJSIP?" T
http://www.digium.com/blog/2013/11/20/asterisk-12-part-iv-sip-stack-future/Hello again! Last time, we looked at Asterisk 12. Since then, a lot has happened – namely, AstriCon! You may have read just a little bit about AstriCon on this blog