The new bind version 9.3.6 (Redhat 5.4) try to use IPv6 transport even if the server host does not have IPv6 connectivity, resulting in slower name resolution.Sep 2 19:43:16 cpanel named[22767]: network unreachable resolving 'ns.isc.afilias-nst.i
Last Updated: 11/9/2014Categories: Informational Details免责声明:本文为 SQL Server Recovery Model Affects Transaction Log Disk Space Requirements (1001046) 的翻译版本。尽管我们会不断努力为本文提供最佳翻译版本,但本地化的内容可能会过时。有关最新内容,请参见英文版本。 许多客户选择使用 Micros
Last Updated: 9/6/2016Categories: Troubleshooting Symptoms免责声明:本文为 ESXi 5.5 Update 3b and later hosts are not manageable after an upgrade (2140304) 的翻译版本。尽管我们会不断努力为本文提供最佳翻译版本,但本地化的内容可能会过时。有关最新内容,请参见英文版本。将 ESXi 主机升级至 5.5 Updat
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